18 Dec 4 Tips to Creating Catchier than Jingle Bells Content
Content is key… we’ve all heard that one before, right? Here are four tips to consider the next time you develop content.
1. Less is More
Your goal in developing content should be to communicate in as few words as possible the most bombastic of messaging. Take the time to review your content and ask yourself, “is that line really necessary?”
2. Catchy is Clutch
Whether it’s a quick, catchy, fun jingle like “Ba Da Ba Ba Ba” (McDonald’s) or an intriguing phrase like “The Curious Bank” (Fifth Third Bank) or one of my personal favorites, “Open Happiness” (Coca-Cola); your messaging should be memorable, catchy and on-brand.
3. Timing is Tricky
You’ve heard the phrase to be early is to be on time. The same goes for content. Think back to “Back to the Future Day”. I was amazed by the commercials and YouTube content Toyota was prepared to share on that day. Preparation was certainly needed but they anticipated the trend ahead of time in order to deliver the content on time.
4. Organic is On Point
Think about how much of the world’s population goes to bed at night only to wake up in the morning to catch up on their content, likely through a preferred social channel. They’re looking for something unique, original, funny or heartfelt… Stay away from recreating something that has already been done. Instead, create something original to your brand, your culture, and differentiates you from the rest.
Capitalizing on all of these quick tips, will surely bring about great content. And for your viewing pleasure, here is a bit of our concise, timely, catchy, and organic bit of content:
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Fa la la la…[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”18px” image_repeat=”no-repeat”][/vc_column][/vc_row]