06 May Reaching Mom’s Through Experiential Marketing
The modern-day workforce is continuing to evolve. Women have earned the title of CEO and President, and are becoming some of the most powerful and influential decision-makers in the business world.
Yet in addition to these demanding roles, many women are balancing corporate America with another full-time job, being a mother. From an experiential marketing perspective, this can create a new challenge when trying to position brands that are “Mom-Centric.”
How can experiential marketing agencies appeal to females that juggle so many daily roles; family event planner, scheduler, mentor, teacher, caregiver, therapist, and working professional? Selecting events and establishing a presence where a high number of females will be in attendance does not always translate into a successful campaign.
To help strengthen your event promotion and strategy, here are four tips to keep top-of-mind when marketing to Mom:
Identify Your Mom
Trying to reach the largest audience is not always the best approach when there can be so many variances in who that person could be. More effective experiential marketing tactics include establishing the best sub-group. What is the specific female demographic that your product is targeting; age, socioeconomic status, and lifestyle? Utilize street teams that understand this niche and can make an impact when representing your brand.
Make it Quick
All Moms appreciate efficiency, so please be respectful of a busy momma’s time across all platforms of an experiential marketing strategy. Have the brand messaging be concise, applicable, and ensure the client’s website is optimized for mobile. Otherwise, you’re significantly less likely to have your message shared.
Heart on the Sleeve
If your commercial plays on the “kids grow up too fast” mantra of childhood, hand over the tissues and consider your mom a loyal brand follower. Pulling on the emotional heartstrings of being a parent is something all moms can relate to, and will uniquely position your company as one that cares.
Continue the Conversation
Woman talk. They also comment, like, tweet, upload, and blog. It’s the responsibility of the brand to ignite consumer engagement with an experiential marketing strategy that elicits chatter. Connect to moms face-to-face at an event, and continue that dialogue post-event through social media channels. No one appreciates a one-way conversation, so value these relationships and be genuine with your audience. Mom will thank you.